
Galactus and Indigestion

(the original version was posted March 2, 2011 in

This isn’t a doom and gloom scenario by any means, rather, it is a radical shaking up of the neoliberal financial system where we will have to let the giants fail.  This system is impossible to sustain and undoubtedly the US will be struggling to figure out how we can manageably overcome our American Perestroika.

Just as the era of colonialism was followed by the post-colonialism of WWII, of which the Marshall Plan institutionalized the Bretton Woods forces behind free-market globalization or transnationalism; and just as the disintegration of the Soviet Union led to the unipolar neoliberalism that led to the 2008 financial collapse, I think it is high time to assert that we are living in an era where we will soon become predisposed to early-stage indigestionism.

In the meantime, here’s a parable worth considering (view in full screen):